Friday, February 17, 2012

Itchy, Scratchy and me.

I have been strictly Gluten free again pretty much sine Jan 1st,maybe 2nd, and this last two weeks (it has been building for a while) I have been the itchiest I have ever been. I have so many patches where I have scratched myself raw in my sleep, even with the anti-histamines and the sleeping pills. I have an itchy scalp, underarms, buttocks, thighs, knees, elbows, braline......everywhere!!!!!!!!!!

I have a referral to go back to the skin specialist,but I am only semi urgent so not sure when that will be. My fear is that I am allergic to something almonds, eggs or dairy. I am not going to eliminate any of these from my diet yet, but I do know they are some common triggers to the type of itchiness I am getting. It just means that if I am, it is going to make this whole journey another step harder. Not going to give up on it by any means, but it would make it harder. 

Weight wise things are still not moving, sitting at 118.8 kgs again today, just seem to bounce around the same kilo. At least I have gone back into the 120's.

Will see today what by Blood tests are doing - i have them weekly and I am posting my results here.  Some of the blood tests I only have monthly, the others weekly. If they are RED they are abnormal, and you can see the range next to the name. These are not the only bloods I have, but they are the important ones for my liver.

1 comment:

  1. Just a thought and you have probably eliminated these anyway but what about your shampoo, conditioner, soap, soap powder, etc. being the cause of your itchiness and not your food. We found that a certain shampoo caused Jim's back to itch and drive him nuts. Also another reason for skin being itchy can be that it is is dry. Lots of a natural moisturiser needed. As I said just a thought :)
    Well done on your journey so far. You have lots to deal with and I know it's not easy. Hugs :)
