Saturday, March 5, 2011

Perform a Miracle

Well it looks as though I have gotten extremely behind with the NAWLS Small bites again, and once again I have 5 days to catch up on.  So here goes, once again I will probably not comment on each one, but at the end of the catch up do a sum up of where I am at. 

Perform a miracle.
Maybe you don't feel like you have the energy or ability to work a miracle, but you do. sometimes, one small change can bring about great things. And you can make one small change. Maybe you can get up 30 minutes earlier and do a yoga video. Or you can fill out a WLS food plan for the day. Just one small thing.

After surgery, one WLS patient began walking 5 inutes a day. Every week she added 5 mins to her walk. Now, a year later, she walks 3 miles a day and it feels effortless. Three miles is a miracle, when compared wiht the painful half block she could hobble before WLS. But the miracle doesn't stop there. She joined a hiking club and met a wonderful man. They recently married and are expecting their first child. That little baby is yet another miracle. 

Action for the day:
Are you ready to work miracles? Start today by making one small change. If you feel overwhelmed, make it one tiny change. But do it and don't give up on it. See what miracles your small change leads to  over time!

© 2007, Katie Jay. All rights reserved.

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